The Parallel Prodigy

Challenging the imposter within - Mia’s story

Oganga Mangiti


Photo by Chan on Unsplash

In a world where creativity thrives and success is born from unyielding self-assurance, an artist’s journey is often beset by the haunting specter of imposter syndrome. Yet, what if there existed a parallel universe where one’s doppelgänger, a counterpart of staggering success, had never grappled with the crippling self-doubt that plagues so many creative souls? The enigmatic encounter between a 27-year-old artist and their imposter-free doppelgänger opens the gateway to introspection, transformation, and a profound reassessment of their own potential.

In the bustling city of Parallaxis, where the streets teem with artistic energy and dreams take flight on canvases and stages, lives our protagonist, Mia. At 27, she stands at the crossroads of her creative journey, the weight of imposter syndrome tugging at her every brushstroke. But one fateful evening, as the sun dips below the horizon, Mia’s world bends, and she finds herself standing face to face with someone that defies her comprehension — her doppelgänger, Elara.

Elara, a radiant reflection of Mia’s untapped potential, exudes an air of confidence that seems almost unreal. She has soared to unimaginable heights as an artist, unfazed by the suffocating embrace of self-doubt. The encounter takes place in a café that Mia often…



Oganga Mangiti

Oganga Mangiti, is a self-published poet & author | Best Seller and top writer | 2020 Bakanal De Afrique Fellow | Author of Love & Pain; To Heal A Broken Heart.