Letters To Oludhe (3)

Letters To Oludhe

Oganga Mangiti


Photo by Pixasquare on Unsplash

Letters To Oludhe

When you first made this your home,
No one wanted you to stay;
They all resented you,
Because you were not of them,
But you stayed,
Learnt their ways without conforming;
That required strength.

© Oganga Mangiti

Letters To Oludhe

63 stories

I constantly appreciate the love and support.

My debut poetry anthology, “Love & Pain,” is on the darkness of pain and the beauty of love, all told from raw emotions and laying of the soul bare — through poetry that speaks to the soul and eventually results in healing. The book seeks to explore the duality of emotions through two main chapters: The Book of Pain and The Book of Love.

“I hope that while reading it, you will find healing through the appreciation of pain, and find love, through a deeper understanding; that what happened, had to happen, in order for you to get to a point of genuine happiness and



Oganga Mangiti

Oganga Mangiti, is a self-published poet & author | Best Seller and top writer | 2020 Bakanal De Afrique Fellow | Author of Love & Pain; To Heal A Broken Heart.