7 Ways to Comfortably Make $750 a Month as a Freelance Writer and Indie Author

How-to Manual

Oganga Mangiti
16 min readApr 28, 2022


Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

One thing you do learn earlier on, from the school of hard knocks, as a freelance writer, and worse, as an independent author, is that the income you make, is directly tied to the effort you put in towards pushing your work; yourself and your brand.

Being an indie author and poet myself, one of the few things I have come to learn; despite the relative success I have achieved, is that having a steady income, is sort of like the El Dorado of freelance writers and self-published poets, it is something everyone aims to attain, but very few ever really achieve.

Over the years, I have somehow stumbled/ worked through ways of making a steady income, and as someone who has been in the space you find yourself in; I can comfortably tell you that making a steady income is possible, and even better, comfortably making $750 a month is possible.

I have pondered for a while, having a list that contains a how-to manual. A way freelance writers and self-published authors/poets, can figure out a way to maneuver the spaces we initially find ourselves in. Publishing your first book; promoting your first book; building on subsequent anthologies, and basically finding your space as not only an author and writer, but also, as an…



Oganga Mangiti

Oganga Mangiti, is a self-published poet & author | Best Seller and top writer | 2020 Bakanal De Afrique Fellow | Author of Love & Pain; To Heal A Broken Heart.